Sunday 14 March 2010

Online Cheating Scum

I love gaming and I love playing games online but I am getting frustrated more and more as more and more people cheat rather than game now. The main culprit at the moment is Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2. I know this is one of the most popular games of all time but man does it attract the scum of the earth. How can this be fun !

People work damn hard to live and then want to game as a way of relaxing after work and some scumbag wants to take that away from them. What is wrong with people? I have heard MW2 called the worst game ever, a broken game, Modern Warfail I could go on forever. The one point they are all missing is that it is not the game but the community who "play" the game who are broken.

We have had to endure xp hacks, javelin glitches, care package glitches, sky walking, speed hacks these are the real cheats but I would include all the following in the same catagory using over powered weapons and combinations ( A secondary weapon is called a secondary weapon for a reason) camping(what fun is it sitting in a corner waiting for someone to come past not even having to aim sometimes) nuke/shield boosting (really ! how is this fun) noob tube/one man army. What is wrong with people.

I spoke to my friends about the idea of setting up a group of people so you could always get a good game but that would rely on trust and most random people cannot be trusted and it would be impossible to police, an over 18 live which could be used seperate to normal live but there is just as many idiots over 18 as under, Local servers would not work either as although there are a high number of Americans that cause the problems there are good Americans too and the same percentage of English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh idiots and every other country that games too.

Two reasons for this increase in cheats is the faceless penis extension called youtube and the sheep phenomenon.

Penis Extension - Using a website to post a video of youself cheating to get more "fans" a way of being popular in a cyber world because there must be something wrong with their real life personality. You might have 2.2 Gazillion subscribers but so what you could die tomorrow and not one of them would give a shit.

Sheep Phenomenon - The idiot who uses the youtube cheat or does something because "everybody else is" I never thought I would use this phrase and sound like my parents but if they jumped off a cliff would you.

What do you ganme for? fun or as a sad expensive way of trying to fit in society. Come on lets game fair and put the enjoyment back into it. What sense of satisfation does anyone get from this or any cheap tactics. Ok you might have a high kill/death in a game but at some point you will have noone to game with as every one will have blocked/avoided you. I file reports every time for all the good it does as nothing changes. (I know the enforcement team have a hard job and I respect them more and more for every idiot who gets banned) for the first time since I got my PS3 and 360 I am now gaming more single player than multiplayer only playing multiplayer when friends are on.

Can I just thanks the makers of
Mass Effect,
God of War,
Heavy Rain,
Dante's Inferno,

and others I may have forgot for producing single player games to game me & others sane during the worst cheating times.

Please for crying out loud lets game fair before we all give up for good !!!!!
How to you feel about cheats and cheap players?